U.S. Secretary Betsy DeVos is considering repealing Obama-era school discipline reform guidance, a step that could be contrary to current student discipline policy in California aimed at reducing school removals. Obama’s “Rethink Discipline” guidelines emphasized alternatives to suspending and expelling students, given the lack of efficacy in changing behavior and the discriminatory application of suspensions and expulsions to students of color and students with disabilities. It is unclear how repeal of these guidelines will impact California policy that is in line with them. DWK attorneys are monitoring this situation closely and will keep you informed of the latest developments that may arise from this issue. If you have any questions, please contact your DWK attorney.
News & Resources
The Implications of the Trump Repeal of Obama-Era School Discipline Guidelines
Attorney General Opines ADA Allows Remote Meeting Participation for Board Members with Disability
Last week, the California Attorney General opined that the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) requires local agency legislative bodies to allow remote participation from a non-public location as a...