Chelsea A. Tibbs
Chelsea Tibbs is Special Counsel in the Sacramento office and is a member of the Labor, Employment and Personnel, and Students and Special Education practice groups. Chelsea provides legal counsel regarding employee personnel matters, employe and student discipline, negotiations and labor relations. In addition, Chelsea has an extensive background conducting workplace investigations for school districts, county offices of education and universities on a broad range of issues including harassment, discrimination, retaliation and bullying. She is experienced in assisting LEAs navigate and resolve complex and sensitive Title IX and UCP complaints involving administrators, teachers, students and parents. Chelsea is certificated through the Association of Workplace Investigators and serves K12 districts as a Title IX investigator and decisionmaker.
Prior to joining DWK, Chelsea worked as an associate at a firm where she provided legal counsel and litigation services regarding employee discipline, employee leave and wage-hour compliance. Before she practiced law, Chelsea taught high school government and economics in San Diego and spent two years teaching health education as a Peace Corps Volunteer in South America.